Fostering a Safer Environment: The Kelly Club Experience with Site App Pro

60+ programmes around the country

Key Outcomes

  • Efficiently managed MSD & MPI compliance, significantly reducing manual paperwork and enhancing accuracy in compliance processes.
  • Streamlined reporting and administrative tasks, freeing up more time for core child care responsibilities and improving service quality.
  • Effectively boosted staff engagement and retention, creating a more proactive and efficient working environment.
“Providing a fun, safe environment for the kids in our programmes is at the centre of our business. However, with the growing regulations and paperwork, it was a constant challenge between compliance and delivering quality sessions. Partnering with Site App Pro has removed printing, scanning, emailing and filing requirements of physical paperwork and automated them - freeing up time for our staff to get back to what they do best!”
Challenge 1

Overcoming Compliance Complexities and Paperwork Overload

At Kelly Club, a commitment to exceptional child care was being overshadowed by the mounting compliance requirements of the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) and the Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI). The reliance on manual, paper-based processes not only increased the risk of errors but also diverted valuable time away from their primary mission of creating a fun and safe environment for kids. 

Site App Pro stepped in to revolutionise Kelly Club's approach to compliance. By introducing automated processes, the system significantly cut down the volume of physical paperwork. This transformation was not just about efficiency; it was about reliability and ensuring consistent adherence to industry standards. As a result, staff found themselves with more time and energy to dedicate to child care, fostering a more focused and caring environment for the kids attending their programmes.

Challenge 2

Implementing a Tailored Solution Amidst Unique Requirements

Faced with unique operational demands and stringent government regulations, Kelly Club was apprehensive about the complexities involved in adopting a new system. There were significant concerns about whether a technology solution could be adapted to fit their specific needs without disrupting their existing workflow.

The deployment of Site App Pro was a pleasant surprise for Kelly Club. With its user-friendly interface and tailored support, the system seamlessly integrated into their existing operations.

“The support was amazing, and the rollout was simpler than the team expected. This played a huge role in ensuring a smooth transition.”

Challenge 3

Boosting Productivity While Managing Costs

Kelly Club needed a strategy to enhance productivity and manage their resources more effectively. The goal was clear: find a solution that not only streamlines operations but also does so in a cost-effective manner.

The introduction of Site App Pro marked a significant turning point. The system’s efficiency and intuitiveness saved considerable time, a precious commodity in the child care sector. More than just time savings, it was a cost-effective solution that led to better resource allocation, improved staff retention, and ultimately, a more robust focus on child care and staff development. This efficiency gain was a pivotal factor in elevating the quality of care and services provided by Kelly Club.

Site App Pro delivers on promise.


Work sites covered by Site App Pro


H&S forms completed with Site App Pro


Customer Happiness Rating (Based on over 340 reviews)


Every 27.5 seconds a H&S form is completed in Site App Pro

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